Thursday, October 15, 2015

And here I had my surgery:

IT was around 830 AM the nurse came and informed me that they are going to shift me to operation theatre. Though I was ready for it, but it was shocking. I am going under general anaesthesia, they are going to drill my skull, remove the bones and remove the cholestheatoma. Any how, I had to do it. So I changed, wore the surgical gown. They placed my on the stretcher and toke me to OT. In the OT I were received by nurses, and doctors. Many people around me, one confirming my identity, other checking vital signs, other checking IV site. I felt my IV site is hot, and then then I didn’t remember, went to deep sleep.I woke up from dreams, and I felt i had along sleep. I was feeling nauseated and I vomited two time. I can remember the nurse helping me to turn my head to one side while throwing up. I felt too much dizzy. And then…? Did I had my operation? Yes…I had dressing on my head. And I asked did I got my operation? They said yes, I asked the time, it was 4 PM. Oh my GOD I had almost 6-7 hours surgery? How happy I was at that time, because I did not feel the pain of incisions and drilling. Suddenly the possible complications of surgery came to my mind; do I have facial palsy? How is my taste? How is my hearing? So I started moving both sides of my face, and I could do it. I moved my tongue and tried to see if there is any numbness, and it was ok and finally I scratched the dressing in my left ear and I could hear. Alhamdulillah, I can not express how I felt happy. But I was just out of anaesthesia, I was too much dizzy, I could barely move of hands and legs. And it was at this time that my wife came to my mind. She was supposed to come to hospital with the kids. Where is she? How is she doing? So I asked for my phone. The nurses tried to comfort me, but I insisted I wanted to talk to my wife. And finally I got my mobile, called her. I was telling her I had just a dressing of my ear and I am ok, but she already knew, and told me they are waiting in my room with my brother….continued.

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